- Archived many of my inactive GitHub repositories.
- Compiled my GitHub stars in this repo with the help of maguowei/starred.
- Submitted Spanish translations for gethyas/doks-core.
- Started playing around with 11ty
- Cloned Eleventy Excellent.
- Cloned Eleventy Garden.
- Learned about Astro. I’m playing around with it.
- Cloned Astro Cube and Astro Essentialist.
- Discovered CUBE CSS, Utopia, and buildexcellentwebsit.es.
- CUBE stands for Composition Utility Block Exception.
- Fixed the search module not working in Forgetful Notes.
- Revived Firefox TabSpace. Cleaned the repo and published an update.
- Created a new Firefox extension ChatGPT in the Sidebar.
- Published a new Firefox extension: New Tab Notes.
- Submitted Mabuya to the Zola themes site.
- I visited the Dominican Republic after more than 8 years without visiting family.
- Submitted Zola Minimal to the Zola themes site.
- Learned about Bulma, a CSS framework.
- Republished my website with the help of serene.
- Renamed Zola Dinkleberg to Zola Guava.
- Ported the Chrome extension Text Revealer to Firefox.
- Updated my Obsidian Starter.
- Created svelte-milkdown. I’m playing around with Svelte, and Milkdown.
- Republished my 2010 blog in Spanish: Prose Poetry.
- Fixed bug outlined in Issue #18 in [https://github.com/getzola/book).
- Added dark theme and toggle to the Anpu Zola theme.